Our Services

Bathroom Plumbing

Bathroom troubles can throw a wrench in your day. Whether you are dealing with low water pressure, a slow-draining sink, or toilet clogs, plumbing problems could disrupt your routine and potentially damage your home. Let the team at Proline Rooter help you tackle these bathroom plumbing challenges. We offer a wide selection of quality plumbing services including fixture installation, broken pipe repair, drain cleaning, clog removal, and more.  Plumbing issues are as diverse as they are prevalent. A dripping faucet, for instance, can waste gallons of water over time, causing your bills to surge. Similarly, a blocked toilet is everyone's nightmare and might require a professional to properly handle it. Knowing what you’re dealing with is the first step in finding a solution. Low water pressure in the shower or sink can be an immediate mood-downer. Not only does it make daily activities like showering and hand-washing frustrating, but it can also be a sign of more severe issues lurking in your pipes. What can cause low water pressure? Pipe Blockage: Minerals like calcium and lime can build up inside pipes,…

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Commercial Plumbing

Commercial plumbing, typically larger and more intricate than residential plumbing, serves businesses, industries, and institutions with specific and high-demand requirements. It's no exaggeration to say that the smooth operation of many businesses relies at least partly on the expertise and skills of professional commercial plumbers. The uniformed plumbers at Proline Rooter have the experience, expertise, and equipment to provide a wide range of commercial plumbing services, from installations and replacements to repairs and ongoing maintenance. Call Proline Rooter to consult a dependable plumber, schedule an appointment, or arrange an emergency plumbing dispatch. Commercial plumbing installations are far more intricate than their residential counterparts. Whether it's in setting up large-scale water supply systems, sophisticated drainage networks, or extensive gas lines, the complexity of commercial installations requires a level of expertise that trained professionals can provide. Our commercial plumbers at Proline Rooter understand the unique challenges that businesses face. They meticulously plan and execute installations to ensure they meet local regulations and the specific needs of the business. We can install a variety of advanced equipment, such as commercial water heaters, booster pumps, and grease…

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Drain Cleaning

Clogged drains are a pain in the neck, often striking when we least expect them. The murky puddles forming during a shower, backed-up kitchen sinks, and the ultimate nightmare – an overflowing toilet – are enough to turn the most composed homeowners into a state of frustration and panic. While plungers and drain snakes may temporarily alleviate the issue, they only offer momentary relief. For a lasting solution to the persistent problem of blocked drains, property owners should invest in periodic drain cleaning. At Proline Rooter, we use hydro-jetting technology to break down blockages, thoroughly scour the drains, and send the debris away. Clogged drains are a genuine household hazard. The common culprits behind this vexing issue include hair, soap scum, grease, food particles, mineral deposits, and even foreign objects accidentally flushed down the drain.  When these substances accumulate over time, they constrict the flow of water, causing slow drainage, gurgling noises, and eventually complete blockages. The result is not only an inconvenience but also potential damage to your plumbing system, leading to expensive repairs. By incorporating some simple but effective preventative measures into…

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Kitchen Plumbing

You're about to wash the dishes and notice the sink draining slowly. Or maybe your faucet has started dripping, adding to your water bill. Kitchen plumbing issues can disrupt your daily life and cost you in repairs if not addressed promptly, but we’re here to offer solutions for these challenges. At Proline Rooter, we specialize in diagnosing and fixing a wide array of plumbing problems so you can get back to enjoying your kitchen.  Encountering plumbing problems in the kitchen is more common than you might think. It's crucial to identify and resolve these issues quickly to avoid bigger headaches down the line.  Clogged Drains: Grease, food particles, and soap scum are the usual culprits. If you notice water draining slowly or pooling at the bottom of your sink, you may have a clog on your hands. Leaky Faucets: Not only are they annoying, but leaky faucets can also inflate your water bills. This is often due to a worn-out washer or O-ring. Low Water Pressure: If your sink is not generating the water pressure it used to, it could be because of…

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Leak Detection

Water leaks are insidious problems that can cause a variety of issues, ranging from wasting precious water resources to compromising the structural integrity of buildings. While the consequences of a water leak are far-reaching and potentially disastrous, you can reduce the risk through periodic and timely leak detection services. If you suspect a water leak or simply want to ensure your property is leak-free, then call Proline Rooter to schedule a comprehensive leak detection. Our local trusted plumbers have the expertise, experience, and equipment to detect hidden water leaks quickly and accurately. Many property owners are more concerned about the cost of leak detection or leak repair, but water leaks themselves, regardless of their size or location, can have a profound impact on both residential and commercial properties. Water leaks are synonymous with water wastage. Even a small, seemingly insignificant leak can result in the loss of thousands of gallons of water over time. Wasting this precious resource is detrimental for the environment and your bank account alike. As leaks continue unabated, you will inevitably see a surge in your monthly expenses. Wasted water…

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Pipe Repair

Plumbing pipes are unsung heroes quietly facilitating the flow of water to quench our thirst, wash our dishes, and keep us clean. They are also made of durable materials that can last for decades if not a whole century, but neglect and accidental damage can cut that life expectancy short.  It’s important to watch out for signs of trouble and to address issues as soon as possible. Ignoring faulty or damaged pipes can lead to water damage and further damage to the plumbing system. Call Proline Rooter to hire a nearby plumber in West Sacramento. We are happy to schedule an appointment or arrange an urgent pipe repair today. One of the primary causes of pipe deterioration is simply the passage of time. Over the years, the materials used in plumbing pipes, such as copper, galvanized steel, and PVC, can corrode or degrade. The aging process may result in weakened pipes, leading to leaks or even pipe bursts. Older plumbing should be inspected more regularly as they are much more vulnerable to leaking, bursting, and other issues. One of the tell-tale signs…

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Plumbing Repair

A lot comes to mind when people think of plumbing repair. It can entail fixing plumbing fixtures like showerheads and toilets. It can also involve repairing the water line, drain line, sewer line, or even the gas line. In fact, plumbing repair can even cover water heater repair. The seasoned plumbers at Proline Rooter are not only experienced with a wide range of plumbing repair, but they are also regularly trained and equipped to advanced tools in order to deliver efficient and effective results. Plumbing is an integral part of our daily lives, facilitating the distribution of clean water and the disposal of waste. When the plumbing system malfunctions, it can disrupt our routines and pose significant health and safety risks. Timely plumbing repair is essential to maintain the integrity of your home's infrastructure, the continuity of your business, and the well-being of your family, friends, and guests. One of our most common plumbing repair services is fixing plumbing fixtures. This includes repairing or replacing faucets, showerheads, toilets, sinks, and bathtubs. Over time, these fixtures can develop leaks, clogs, or wear and tear, leading…

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Toilet Replacement

Have you been wrestling with persistent clogs, leaks, or an outdated toilet model? Then get the help you need today by calling the professionals at Proline Rooter. Our team of experienced specialists offers a wide selection of premium plumbing services including toilet repairs, replacements, and new installations. Are you ready to revamp your bathroom? Keep reading for information that can help you get the most from your toilet.  Toilets don't last forever. From wear and tear to outdated features, there comes a time when replacement is a necessity. Knowing when that time comes can save you money, water, and a lot of inconvenience. The Age Factor: Older toilets tend to be less efficient and can gulp down as much as 6 gallons per flush, compared to the 1.6 gallons used by modern low-flow models. That's not only wasteful, but it can also bump up your water bills. Persistent Issues: Are you experiencing recurrent clogs, overflows, or leaks? These are not just trivial issues, they're signs that your toilet is likely reaching the end of its operational life.  Cracks and Leaks: Visual cracks in…

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Trenchless Sewer Repair

Homeowners paying monthly sewer bills might assume that the responsibility for the entire sewer line rests with the municipal authorities. In reality, homeowners are responsible for the segment of the sewer line on their property, extending from their home to the connection point with the public sewer system. Maintaining, repairing, and – if the time comes – replacing the sewer line is the property owner’s sole responsibility. Fortunately, you don’t have to get your hands dirty. Proline Rooter offers a range of sewer line services, including trenchless sewer repair. Our minimally invasive techniques save your property from extensive excavation and digging. This means you won’t have to restore your whole yard when the plumbers leave. When sewer line problems arise, homeowners must take immediate action to prevent further damage. Typical issues include blockages, leaks, and damage caused by tree roots or shifting soil. If left unaddressed, these problems can lead to sewage backups, unpleasant odors, and costly property damage. Depending on the nature and extent of the problem, repairs may involve patching, spot repairs, or in some cases, a complete sewer line replacement. Repairing…

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Water Filtration Installation

You turn on the tap, fill a glass, and take a sip, but have you ever stopped to think about what's actually in your water? While most tap water is treated to meet basic safety guidelines, it often contains contaminants that standard treatment processes miss. This can become a real headache for homeowners concerned about the health of their families. A quality water system might be the answer. At Proline Rooter, we help local clients get the most from their plumbing system with our comprehensive services, which include whole-house water filtration system installation.  Before investing in a water filtration system, it's a good idea to know what you're up against. There are multiple ways to test your water quality: Home Test Kits: These are available at most hardware stores and offer a quick way to identify common contaminants like chlorine, lead, and bacteria. Professional Testing: For a more detailed analysis, consider hiring a professional service. They will test for a wider range of contaminants and provide a detailed report. Municipal Reports: Your local government regularly tests water quality and the results are publicly…

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Water Heater Repair

Nothing can ruin your day like stepping into the shower and being met with a shocking icy blast. If your water heater is refusing to work, call the specialist at Proline Rooter. Our team offers a wide selection of services that can get your hot water back fast, from repairs and maintenance tasks to replacements and new installations. Are you wondering what steps to take to get your system under control? Keep reading for some information that can help you decide whether repair or replacement is the best choice.  First, you’ll need to identify the red flags that suggest your water heater needs a professional repair. Knowing these signs can help you catch problems before they become costly disasters. Odd Noises: The occasional hum or whir is pretty standard, but if your water heater is making clunking, banging, or rumbling noises, it's a sign that sediment has built up inside the tank. This can lead to overheating and eventually, complete failure. Inconsistent Temperature: If you're noticing alternating spurts of cold and hot water, this inconsistency is a sign that something isn't right. It…

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Water Softener Installation

Are you tired of dealing with scaly residue on faucets, itchy skin after a shower, and laundry that just doesn't feel as soft as it should? These are the classic signs of hard water, and they could lead to long-term damage to your plumbing and appliances. The specialists at Proline Rooter can help you take care of these issues with a water softener installation. Keep reading for more information about the ins and outs of water softener installation, so you can decide if it’s the best choice for your property.  The minerals in hard water build up in your pipes, reducing water flow and causing your appliances to work harder. Over time, this translates into higher energy bills and costly appliance replacements. Hard water can also affect your daily life in more subtle ways. Your skin might feel dry and itchy, and your clothes may lose their softness. Hard water can leave water spots on your dishes and glassware, making them look cloudy. Installing a water softener will alleviate these common problems by removing calcium and magnesium ions, and replacing them with sodium or…

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